Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Postcards from Over the Edge--Roadtrip Journal pt 3

Having a great time in UNS#3. I have seen more stuff that I'd forgotten entirely--it's like a really really big episode of a has-been's reality show. Did you know that here, Tina Yothers is Oprah? I stopped at a Maverick Market, where a bought a pack of Mores and a Mr. Pibb, then it was off to the TG&Y to buy some Ayds diet candy and some 8-track tapes.
Pictured above are some postcard images from the Petting Zoo of Dr Moreau and Waterslide Park. I don't know what the hell the thing with the antlers is, but it mixed a pretty mean Harvey Wallbanger in the giftshoppe lounge.

1 comment:

M said...

I love the cat/owl and the spider/monkey! :D

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