Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Whoops! I'm Evil.......

Seems I have--quite accidentally--become a super villain. Oops.

Before you get all judgey, and risk incurring my twisted wrath, allow me to explain.

The"Dr Angst" facet of my personality---once minute---has staged a hellish coup and merged with my artsy-fartsy creative side. Sounds like a gay Bond villain to me.........

The change was slow, and subtle. The urge to direct community theatre, my draconian approach
to conflict resolution, and now, the final straw---I am putting people in thrall.

You may recall a comment from Kurt Xxxx ( I ask him how to pronounce Xxxx--he said "the European pronunciation") where he said, and I quote, or actually copy and past :
Blogger " Kurt said...

I love low pay! "

What, you may ask, has gotten in to him?? Besides the whole "was a teechur" thing????

Four words.

Funee. Tyme. Bat. Buddee.

The gift that keeps on giving.........funniest thing, Kurt was concerned about possible concealed nanny cam tech imbedded, and completely overlooked the whole "will tapping Voo Doo hex" angle.

So, now that Kurt-Kurt-Kurty-Kurt-Kurt is in thrall-thrall-thrally-thrall-thrall,

I have no idea what to do. He's geographically too remote to be of much real use, damn it.

Does anyone know where the de-thrall powder is? I can only take so much responsibility.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

the floggings will continue until morale improves

So, we have 5 more weeks of rehearsal.............and I'm NOT loving what I'm seeing. Seriously, I have to recast two roles---one adult, one child--if this is going to work. And rather than blaming "the phantom" and just dropping lights on them, I have to tell them. Verbally. Using words.
You would think I'd be more looking forward to it, happily rubbing my evil mits together, anticipating their anguish, but somehow I just don't.
Is it too late to blame the phantom? Or Andrew Lloyd Webber??

Oh, the ruthless, cut throat world of community children's theater. How many soul's must it have before it's unholy thirst is slaked??? How many ruined lives? How many dashed dreams? How many licks to get to the center of the tootsie-pop of local celebrity??

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

WANTED: MINIONS- hard work, low pay, ugly death.

I'm posting early this week, before rehearsal, rather than after.

Six individuals will be absent this week. (Still haven't healed completely from last week.)

Additionally, I'm having to be the responsible adult in charge tonight, since Anais' babysitter canceled. (Still haven't healed completely from last week.)

So, I have to open the space, turn lights on/off, etc---the things I usually have minions handle.
(Still haven't healed completely from last week.)

So I'll be responsible for holding the key to the church. Posting early, in case of that whole pesky bursting into flames thing.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Rehearsals Begin. Who Will Survive.....

....................and what will be left of them?

We began our journey of a thousand steps tonight.

I'm calling in a ringer at the end of the month to understudy half the roles. Keeps people sharp when they see their prospective successor.
And I taped this picture by Sebastien Millon to my script notebook, just to remind my beloved cast of thespians that failure=being eaten.

More sunshine and puppy muffins later!

Be sweet, and go read Sebastien's blog--linked to the left--CHRONICALLY SICK,ETC

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Suffer For My Art--- Other People Must.......

You know me. I'm a problem solver, never content to merely whine--I prefer to take action.

After rereading my last post, I realized the answer to my problem was as obvious as inbreeding at a Tea Party. All I had to do was eliminate or even just significantly reduce the number of competing elements. All those things that were keeping people from auditioning for my production of Hansel & Gretel had to DIE!!

A judicious application of arson,blackmail,contaminants,drugs,electricity(pictured),forgery,
rabies,snakes,torture,unkindness,virus(computer),wi-fi,xenophobia,yodeling, and zither music
was all it took to bring down my enemies. Goodbye, scouting. Adieu, school athletics. Sayonara,
see ya around, don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on your way out.

I have a full cast! I had all I needed and more turn up--qu'el surprize-- so rehearsal may begin next week. And the smoking shell of this chastened city may begin licking it's wounds, rebuilding, and chiseling into stone the lesson of the week: "When our overlord smiles and says "please", do it at once, or he'll break both your knees".

I made it an easy to remember little rhyme. I'm such a giver!
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