Monday, March 14, 2005

Timing and Frustration.

Bloody buggery hell. Blocked blocked fucking blocked--brain won't put two words together with any grace. While we were having our technical woes and couldn't access the internet--full flow of ideas and words. I had SO much to say, and couldn't wait to get back to blogging. Now?'s not that I don't have anything to write about--it's the fact that it all sounds a bit....I dunno--shite? Like there's something to be expressed, and I'm not doing it any service.
Basic topics-- how American culture is getting meaner. Lots to say about that, but where the hell do you start? I've been on a bit already about the ads on TV--subtle but telling. My brilliant but annoying buddy, Bart, made the observation that feeling inferior makes people mean (one cause among many), which led to a spirited exchange re-narcissism as a self loathing hell where the narcissist knows deep down that they are not perfect, feels they should/could be, and self punishes/projects onto others their self hatred. That makes sense. Here in the states we're a bit dim, with an embarassing lack of mastery of even one native language, no sense of geography or history, appalling taste--but we aren't completely braindead. As good as we are at lying to ourselves, denying the toxic effect our politics and practices are having on the world at large, on an animal level we know. And it makes us crazy/twitchy/agitated/mean. See? Important topic poorly written about.

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