Monday, March 14, 2005


Humor: this is based in the idea of "wrongness". Wrong=funny. Wrong as in surreal,inappropriate, taboo,painful etc.
Value: this is based on beauty. Money stands for gold. Gold is valuable--why? "cuz it's pretty.
This is my theory of the cash economy. Back up enough and you wind up at "OOOH, shiney!"
There. I feel better now. Wanna see a surreal/kinda pretty vid?


delta said...

Gah! I'm suffering from the symptoms described in the previous post. I'll have to leave it at: me like posts much, posts smart.

M said...

Me like too. And gold is valuable also because a)it doesn't rust, so it lasts longer; and b) it's rareand tough to extraxt. If it grew on trees no one would care.

Whitney said...

I would care, because it's shiny. I believe that in a past life, I was a magpie.

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