Saturday, March 06, 2010

After Math

....or maybe after gym class----oh, hell--no time like the present....................

May I offer, for your perusal/feverish bidding like a bunch of starving sharks at an estate sale, the following items?

The actual sofa upon which Kurt actually sat (seating area indicated)
The section of carpet upon which his actual feet (shod) actually rested
the table and sheets (sheets made actual contact)
a cast off hair from Kurt's actual head(!!!!!)

Also for sale, but not yet pictured:
the actual door upon which he actually knocked (shave-and-a-haircut,btw)
the actual bathroom he was in for a whole couple of minutes
the passenger side seat/ entire truck that safely transported Kurt to his hotel.

I'd really like to offer up this entire house, along with the hotel, but apparently there are some sort of silly laws prohibiting me from doing that.

But don't let me catch you even looking at the Todd nail clippings. MINE!!


Megan said...

In re: the couch - Is that the actual imprint from his actual body? You should probably get some plaster of paris going on that...

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

Ha! Liar liar pants on fire! Had you shown us a picture of the supposed Kurt lying on the sheets I may have been more inclined to believe. Glad you didn't take any pictures of him using your toilet though.

Trey said...

You are also allowed to bid on the massage therapist that was in actual physical contact with Kurt for almost an hour. Just be sure you have a big backyard, lots of soap,tea,incense, and a bbq grille.

M said...

So, nail clipping of his, I gather? Boy you really dropped the ball there. I guess the hair will have to do. I'll also accept leftovers from his plate.

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