Saturday, January 28, 2006

My Image Hoard

I have an embarassing number of pictures saved on my hard drive. I see something on the web, and I add it to my picture file. I save pictures for a variety of reasons, but the important point is my reluctance to part with an image once it's been "save to"'d.
Thats a rambling, cowardly, overly verbose, avoidant, stalling,silly,foolish, rapidly growing tiresome way of introducing a "Random Images From My Picture File" post that mostly gets me out of having to compose anything coherant. Or correctly spelled.
Above we have a card for playing "Hipster Bingo" with --win valuable prizes (in Austin it's like fish in a barrel)......."Pickman's Model" from the Night Gallery television series--a childhood favorite..........there's a drawer overflowing with cat (I disaprove--you should always fold your kitty neatly before putting it in the drawer)(just kiddding--really--it's a sick joke, don't hurt me, Kurt)......also pictured is an evil horrifying robot, similar to the one that made my first christmas so traumatically memorable (twitch).....and then we have the H.R. Giger as Norman Rockwell (or versa visa). I have some nice pictures in my collection, too.


M said...

Cats really like some place snug... and I agree, one should always fold them neatly after having washed and pressed them, of course. I had never seen that Giger/Rockwell thing. Cool! :D

Kurt said...

Hipster bingo is my fave.

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