Tuesday, December 09, 2008

IRBHN Interviews: Taarzaan

We caught up with blogger, massage therapist, and insufferable pedant Taarzaan in his high-tech Austin lair, and posed the question on so few people’s minds—

Taarzan, WTF?”.

IRBHN: So, “Taarzaan”—what’s up with all the big words and shit?

Taarzaan: “Vocabulary”.

IRBHN: Whatever. So, how come you don’t use little, easy to understand words? How come you gotta be all……. I dunno……..

Taarzaan: I never feel comfortable “dumbing things down”—I feel like it is an insult to the intelligence of the reader. As a child, I always resented being spoken to as though I was feeble minded. In fact, I detested Captain Kangaroo—I felt like he was patronizing me.

IRBHN: …………

Taarzaan: I mean, I didn’t know the word “patronize”, but I had a strong sense of it’s meaning—anyway, I always enjoyed something more if I had to stretch a bit—so I guess I project that onto the imagined audience.

IRBHN:………………..ok. So, what about that “roast” thing?

Taarzaan: Believe it or not, I’ve only received three contributions—Kurt read them, seems pretty cool with it---but I keep hoping for more, and a nice rebuttal from Kurt-Kurt-Kurty-Kurt-Kurt. So I wait another few days, maybe a week……..

IRBHN: Stalling—we get it. Like with the Todd clones, right?

Taarzaan: Whatever.

Still to come: Taarzaan’s secrets revealed.

Unless we don’t feel like it.


Kurt said...

I had no idea you were waiting for a rebuttal. You have to ask for what you want, mister.

Megan said...

Oh crap I forgot that too. Gimme another 24 hours?

I like your pictures.

Trey said...

Kurt--Rebuttal, please?


Queen of France said...


never fails to make me laugh

Squirrel said...

I don't understand

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

I'm afraid to submit one. Kurt can be....well, let's just say I've seen him disappear from the blog a couple of times in a good sulk. Then where would I go to be insulted!

M said...

Yeah, and didn't you hate those awful voices in cartoons of grown-ups pretending to be kids? It ruined animation by at least 80%. God bless Peanuts, the characters' voices were perfect. Love your pictures! :D You're handsome.

Anonymous said...

It's really hard to walk that fine line between being insulting and being an asshole. I would guess that's why there weren't more submissions. I'm not much of a writer, but I tried and it was fun.

Queen of France said...

OH and i forgot to say that i used to Love Captain Kangaroo but sometimes he confused me...

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