Monday, December 29, 2008

Xmas Day Imrovisation

So, sometimes my quasi-hipster-smart-ass-self parodying mouth gets me in these dropping in on neighborhood friends on Christmas day with toys for their rowdy boys (9 year old twins and 15 year old emo boy big brother).

I chose "room-a-rangs" for their combined playability and safety (what boy doesn't want to throw things in the house?)

And, being a self parodying old hippie, I quipped "Just dropped by to distribute wholesome, all ages fun, and sing a song about unicorns and the environment"--setting myself up for a room full of expectant faces, waiting for the I improvised:

"Unicorns love to pollute,
kill all the unicorns you can shoot".

I never said it was a nice song about unicorns and the environment......................


Megan said...

I wish I had been there.

Squirrel said...

the electric cotton candy maker toy is also much appreciated . I like to find the toy that will make the best mess.

Kurt said...

Then what happened?

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

or take out with a roomarang. Less brutal than shooting.

Trey said...

.......and then, we did "The Time Warp" {it's just a jump to the left..............}.
Um, the brutality aspect is, um.....traditional. Yeah---I was playing Santa Claus and the Krampas combined..........that's the ticket!

Queen of France said...

So you had a fine go at it, did you?

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