Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Freezin Down in Texas

We are used to god aweful heat done here, so this kind of frigid weather always throws us for a loop. Austin has been on ice since monday--really frozen in since tuesday.
I put up this parachute last summer, to block the westering sun. It has done a great job of keeping the ice and snow out of the carport--plus, when they froze, they would creak in the wind like frozen sails on a pirate ship. Sorry--cabin fever.....
There is a huge icycle in front of ma's ront window--it just keeps getting bigger.
Granny weathervane has a quarter inch of ice on her--no jokes about witches' anatomy and cold, ok? The birdbath cherub is frozen in up to his waiste. No shrinkage jokes, either, allright?
The birds know they can find food here--the parrots obviously spread the word. These guys are monk parrots, but they didn't take a vow of silence. Nor chastity, as they're are 4 younger ones with the two from last year. And I've never heard them make any reference to "crackers"---Polly doesn't seem to be at all concerned with them in the wild.
If this were a cartoon, there would be birds ice skating on the washtub--that which is destined to be a lily pond.
I've been dozey and hungry---some hibernating instinct kicking in. I have a cake in the oven--heats the house, and fills it with a pleasant aroma. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. How long are you going to make me type that until you get the whole "Shining" reference? All work and no...............................................................................fuck it.


M said...

Not only must there be birds skating, but it must be a momma bird followed by young ones, all of them with little tiny scarfs. Over here the weather is good, it feels more like autumn than winter.

AJ ! Serendipity !!! said...

cool pics and post
hav a warm winter

Sebastien Millon said...

Hope it gets warmer there! Been cold here in Phoenix too! The Shining, love that movie, still can't watch that one alone...

Anonymous said...

I now live in a place of searing summer heat and freezing winters, and I prefer the winters (so far).

Great pics!

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