Monday, February 20, 2006

So Very Glad I Have A Fire Wall

I've had the program for over a year now, and it's been damn useful this week. Someone continues to try to hack into my system. Someone has way too much time on their hands. I can only hope they are shedding bitter tears of frustration at every failure. Pendejo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our computer is connected to the internet almost 24/7 and we can simply not use a firewall to protect ourself. At minimum, any computer connected to the Internet needs to have all current patches to its operating system and browser installed as well as personal firewall, antivirus and anti-spyware software. A more complete solution is taking a layered approach to protect your security and privacy.

A firewall prevents some communications forbidden by the security policy, analogous to the function of firewalls in building construction. A firewall is also called a Border Protection Device (BPD). A firewall has the basic task of controlling traffic between different zones of trust. Typical zones of trust include the Internet (a zone with no trust) and an internal network (a zone with high trust).

My place for free firewalls is therefore:

They always have the latest and best firewalls available and have good reviews of all firewalls.


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