Tuesday, December 13, 2005

IRBHN Office Xmas Party--Deck the Blog

After a bitter, tearful exchange with the legal department, here are some photos from last nights manditory "morale boosting" office xmas party.
Up top, our editor-in-chief, E. T. Bear
and his personal asistant, Mr. Zappy, weilding the "employee morale booster", or "death ray". Fortunately it doesn't work very well, as we have to take the lowest of 3 bids every time we purchase something.
Next, in order of importance, is our attorney, Count Damoney. He came all the way from Portugal, along with much of the staff.

Here's a shot of the office, all decorated, party in full swing. Have you ever seen anything as sad?

Bobo, head of catering, offering snacks to head of maintence, office courier, and head writer, counter clockwise from right.
Finally, G.T. Bear (E.T.'s twin), hiding out in a safe spot.

1 comment:

M said...

I love miniature Christmas trees! The first one I saw was a friend's: she cut off a sprig from the family Christmas tree and decorated it with a ball, like it was the real thing. Yours looks brilliant, with all the cute toys, such a great idea!

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