Friday, December 23, 2005

Doll House Finished (mostly)

Da da da da da da da daaaaaaaaa!! It's done! and just in time for gift giving joy-- made from the box another gift came in!
We got Ma a new minifridge this year. She really likes it. This, however, represents a lifelong dream. Ever since I can remember, Ma wanted a doll's House. Well, now she has it. She is really pleased, and is planning to sew for it. Folks, she's not sewn in years. Like I said before, it's great to see her excited and happy about something. I have a few cosmetic touches to apply, but for the best part, it's done. The door wreath is rosemary from Sandy's garden(thanks, San!), the upright player piano is a music box, and the tree was my brother Edd's. He bought the hearth and accesories when I was building a house from a kit--the wood warped, so it was never completed.
Ma chose the wallpaper and art work--over the mantle is an antique map of the world, and beside it hangs a knight. The roof shingles are from a slab of paper I bought when I was first taking up origami, as is the wall paper. The bricks and flooring are patterns from printshop, and the mouldings and stones etc are foamcore. I'm already thinking about my next one (having learned from my mistakes on this one).


M said...

I can't believe how perfect this turned out, it looks so professional! It's like you've been doing this for years. It's brilliant, no wonder your mother's pleased. Yay! :)

Trey said...

If you look closely at the first two pictures you will see a familiar little teddy bear under the tree--it's the one you sent me!

M said...

So it is, I hadn't seen it! It's perhaps the only Mr. Bean chocolate egg toy that doesn't suck. It's a great way to use it! :)

Trey said...

There was also a google eyed vampire and two glow in the dark ghosts in the eggs--I do believe I shall build them a haunted castle:)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous. With the proper dolls, I could really work out my problems in that house.

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