Friday, May 19, 2006

"Adventures in Monk Baiting", OR "Lotsa Backstory for Such a Short Joke"

Back in my days working pediatric psych, I had the bizarre pleasure of working in proximity to not one but TWO Greek Orthodox monks. They were a couple of local boys who went to university, got a look at objective reality, and decided "fuck it--give me superstition and an erroneous calendar. We want to be part of the institution that helped the vampire myth get such a grip on the peasantry of eastern Europe." So naturally I just HAD to fuck with them whenever the opportunity presented itself.
My favorite monk baiting gambit is called "Tempt Them Into Impious Mirth", or "Make Them Laugh At Something Irreverent or Even Sacrilegious". I found myself in the ward dining room one afternoon, tossing out old peanutbutter sandwiches, when one of the god-bothering tossers swanned in and remarked "Goodness, those certainly are old snacks"........hehehe....... My response was swift and cruel--I said "You have no idea! I've got leftovers here from the sermon on the mount-- I may never finish! It's been loaf, fish, loaf, fish, all afternoon!"
The look on his face as he backed out of the room was priceless--a mixture of shock, anger, and barely suppressed laughter. Part of him saw the humor, and wanted to laugh, but the rest of him was about to disintegrate. So, by way of apology, I waited a month, and then I told him I'd figured out "the worst part about being an atheist". Silly bugger took me seriously, and asked what it was. I told him--"no one to talk to while you're having an orgasm".
How I miss that "I want to laugh, but I think I might go to hell if I do" look.


Simon said...


Excellent. Those were the days, eh?

I love a bit of blasphemy - it's the one reason for keeping religion alive.

M said...

I needed a second to understand that joke. You are so going straight to you know where.

delta said...

I like the relationship the ancient celtic/Irish had with their gods. Their cheif god was "dea-Dia", and it assumed he was seen as rather benevolent and willing to enjoy a laugh at his own expense because they used to poke fun at him with frequency - the wikipedia article has more, including the PG-12 details of the charicatures they made of him.

Kurt said...

This would be funny if Greek Orthodoxy wasn't the one true religion.

Trey said...

the saddest thing about the orgasm joke--I told it to an older friend who totally didn't get it, even with an explanation.
I've long been a fan of the Dagda, and the Cerne Abbas giant--thanks for the Wiki-linkage, D!
I know, ya'll----I spend weekends decorating my handbasket ;)

Anonymous said...

This post reveals your character perfectly! Sparkling wit, quick, clever, and a little bit cruel (though seldom hurtful). Vintage Trey. When you told me the orgasm joke I laughed for years.

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