Monday, May 21, 2007

Apocalypse Averted by German Auto Maker

(an un-related picture of Bela Lugosi dressed as Santa. Deal with it)
Event Horizon, Earth--The end of the world was indefinately postponed, after German automobile manufacturer Volks Wagon released a small number of moderately priced vehicles.

"That is just so unfair", said Great Beast of the Apocalypse and heiress,Paris Hilton. "We've worked really, really hard to plan the end of the world--very exclusive and hot--and now it's totally not happening,plus I have to go to jail or something."

News of the continuation of life on earth and the heiress' jail term were received with mixed enthusiasm. "Whatever", replied local hell goddess Dawn Erin--"though it is kind of a shame about Paris going to jail. I was hoping for a good old fashioned beheading!"

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Another Guilty Pleasure

Ok, people--don't even think about trying to reason with me on this one.......

One of my absolute favoritest films has come back into my world.

Back in 1974--a year before The Rocky Horror Picture Show premiered, Brian DePalma released Phantom of the Paradise--a film seemingly written for 13 year old romantics. Looking for restraint? Keep looking. Reality? Not gonna find it here. But if you want campy humor, over the top histrionics, and true pathos---bingo! Plus, you get to see Paul Williams play a villain.

The film is a rock pastiche of Phantom of the Opera, The Picture of Dorian Grey, and Faust, written and directed by DePalma before he went on his Icy blonde Hitchcock kick. The hero is a nebbish, the heroine a doe eyed brunette, and the villain is a tiny blonde man with large teeth. Toss in some tunes, riff on the Sha-na-na nostalgia craze ,Glam Rock, and Alice Cooper style horror rock, add split screens, and viola--instant favorite film!

The best thing is looking at the then state of the art electronics---you have more sophisticated equipment in front of you as you read this.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Camera Chimera or Playing With My Face

These came from a video shoot back in 2001.

9th Letter of Alphabet Banned By Health Offcals

Austn, Tx--
N a bold move, publc health offcals banned the use of the 9th letter (the one between "h" and "j"), ctng evdence of ncreased rsk of heart attack to use of the letter.
melda ssacs, speakng on behalf of the WHO, n a publc announcement late tuesday stated:
"Ths speaker has noted that people who say "[censored]" alot have more heart attacks. We are protecting the publc by bannng ths deadly letter. All old spellng books, lbrary books, bllboards etc wll be taken to an nternment camp mmedately for destructon".
Legslaton s beng proposed to make use of the letter punshable by fnes and mprsonment.
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