Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Whoops! I'm Evil.......

Seems I have--quite accidentally--become a super villain. Oops.

Before you get all judgey, and risk incurring my twisted wrath, allow me to explain.

The"Dr Angst" facet of my personality---once minute---has staged a hellish coup and merged with my artsy-fartsy creative side. Sounds like a gay Bond villain to me.........

The change was slow, and subtle. The urge to direct community theatre, my draconian approach
to conflict resolution, and now, the final straw---I am putting people in thrall.

You may recall a comment from Kurt Xxxx ( I ask him how to pronounce Xxxx--he said "the European pronunciation") where he said, and I quote, or actually copy and past :
Blogger " Kurt said...

I love low pay! "

What, you may ask, has gotten in to him?? Besides the whole "was a teechur" thing????

Four words.

Funee. Tyme. Bat. Buddee.

The gift that keeps on giving.........funniest thing, Kurt was concerned about possible concealed nanny cam tech imbedded, and completely overlooked the whole "will tapping Voo Doo hex" angle.

So, now that Kurt-Kurt-Kurty-Kurt-Kurt is in thrall-thrall-thrally-thrall-thrall,

I have no idea what to do. He's geographically too remote to be of much real use, damn it.

Does anyone know where the de-thrall powder is? I can only take so much responsibility.


Kurt said...

My name has two more xes.

schu said...

And 'lo it was as if the spirit of Todd had come upon him, and unbound all that was servial and unholy in him...

Kurt said...

Todd may be gone, but his spirit lives on in everyone who remembers him. Just not me.

Megan said...

Villains have more fun, anyway.

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