Tuesday, March 08, 2011

tra la la

So, now I'm directing Thumbellina, but with a feminist twist at the denouement. We are making puppets to both help reinforce the whole "tiny" idea, and also to distract the sproglets during scene changes. This fishy is just the first of a school---three that size, and three smaller, making a school of bright bobbing distractions. No, you may not call your new band bright bobbing distractions.


Kurt said...
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Kurt said...

I have some great band names but I will not post them on the Internet as they will get stolen by young cool people.

I envy you directing these plays. Please have a stage mother YouTube one ASAP.

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

Is that a Christmas tree hanging on your back wall?

Megan said...

But...but...the couch! Kurt's imprint! You've effaced it?!?

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