Sunday, November 01, 2009

DOAS: pt 2

Dear Diary,
The trick-or-treating ruse worked like a charm! I have enough simple carbs to double my body weight eight times, but something tells me to go easy. I'm mildly disturbed by the leaps and bounds my intelligence has taken since lapping up that green glowy liquid that was dripping from the cloning tubes. There! How the hell do I know about cloning? I'm a frickin RACCOON.
And when did I learn to type?
Seriously--what the hell?


Kurt said...

I think you are intelligent and attractive. Please remember this at biting time.

Sebastien Millon said...

Rabies and sugar highs are the key to enlightenment. I'm pretty sure there's a section in the bible that takes about this specific path.

Sebastien Millon said...

meant to say 'talks' damnit. I need rabies so I can focus better.

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