Monday, January 19, 2009

Our Reseach Department Resumes Work After A Long Holiday

..........and I'm afraid the droids need recalibrating (or Betty, our head of R&D may need a med change) based on this memo I received today:

"Concerning Chicken Ears:

Our research has shown that the most delicious part of the chicken is the ear. The ear of the chicken is so tempting and mouth-wateringly scrumptious that the first thing a baby chick does, even before breaking out of the shell, is to eat their own ears. Just try to bite yourself on the ear--that is how motivated the chick is to get at it's own tantalizing delectable ear meat. It not only tries, but it manages to gnaw it's own ears all the way off, leaving absolutely no lingering, drool inducing morsels as evidence--the greedy bastards."

Clearly, there is a problem somewhere.


M said...

Self cannibalism! Don't mock it, it's only a meal with someone you find delicious.

Kurt said...

Ew, and wow.

Megan said...


Queen of France said...

Poor Betty. She had such potential and now? Now she's just that odd old woman with the thick nylons and bad perm.

Poor, poor Betty.

Squirrel said...

chicken ear tastiness. okay. the magazine cover seems to be showing the future: the governator and his wife, Maria.

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