Friday, November 28, 2008

Things to Do Now That I’m Back from OPE

Its not much, but I call it home.

1. Dust off keyboard, interweb cables; politely shoo away the family of opossums that has taken up residence in my blogging chamber. (Maybe they could move into the unused portion of the music room).

2. Pay a visit to the cloning lab; make sure Todds are comfy in stasis chambers.

3. Unpack, distribute gifts of stolen silverware/towels/grooming supplies to friends.

4. Analyze hair samples extracted from OPE carpets—identify Kurt’s, make special doll.

5. Shave, groom for work.


Kurt said...

Ooh - I want pics of the Kurt doll.

M said...

I want Kurt's shampoo, mine is almost finished.

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

How long exactly does it take to clone a Todd?

Queen of France said...

i also was wondering about the Todd clone - are they for sale?
can i get financial aid to pay for him cause it would be so worth it to have a Todd in my house.

AND you forgot to list that you need to post the Roast....

Trey said...

Cloning takes a good while, even with growth accelerators. And the clones are considered human beings, so they can't be sold. [Adoption is the polite word]
So far, three roast contributions.........
Doll pix----erm.....kinda looking muppety right now.......

Squirrel said...

your home looks very bucky fullerish.

i would help with the Kurt doll, but I hurt my typing with my feet.

Trey said...

Squirrel feet are amazingly dexterous. Feel better soon!

tony said...

will any of the clones speak with an English Accent?

Trey said...

One can only hope--I'm piping in BBC World Service Broadcasts.

Megan said...

You have an escalator?

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