Friday, January 14, 2005


Firstly--the name of this blog page "I'd Rather Be here Now" is an inside out tribute to the Transmetropolitan comic series--Spider Jerusalem's column is called " I Hate It Here". I'm TRYING to be a BIT more positive.....To that end, today may prove a spectacular failure.
I know, I should simply avoid television altogether. The Today show has had a bad couple of days. Yesterday it was the poor gent in California who'd lost his family in the mudslide after making a valiant effort to rescue them. The entire event was captured by news cameras, and still the anchor asked him what he felt when he learned his wife and 3 children were dead. I would have loved a response like " I felt betrayed and exposed to morbid scrutiny by the media--oh, wait, that's what I'm feeling NOW"--for fuck's sake, what do you suppose one might feel at a time like that? This isn't news.

Today(no intentional pun) it was a story about outrage at Playboy's plan to offer "soft core" porn(words used in the story) for cell phones. "Won't somebody please think of the children!"(deliberate Simpsons reference)-- this is also not news. I did an experiment while I watched the broadcast. I took my cell phone, accessed Google with safe search off, and did an image search using the word "porn"-- the first image that came up was of a woman on all fours.....Have you seen "Chasing Amy"? Ok, then--finger cuffs. Yep. The stuff in the report that had chicken little bent out of shape was mega-tame compared to what's already available on many cell phones. No honey, the sky's not falling--it's been underfoot some time already.
Instead you might squawk over your children being exposed to boorish insensitive behavior. You don't want them growing up with no respect for someone's private grief, do you?
I DON'T hate it here...I DON'T hate it here... I DON'T hate it here.......oh......excuse me....I need to go sit in the corner and rock...............I DON'T hate it here....I DON'T hate it here.......

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M said...

I'm so glad you introduced me to your blog. I just couldn't agree more with everything you said. I'm going to keep reading in the future. Thanks! :)

Trey said...

Gracias, Gatochy!

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