Friday, December 05, 2008

Phrontistery Phun

Yearly evaluations have come and gone, and I totally didn't get shot--again!

As a show of gratitude to those who's comments may have had a wee hand in keeping my brain bullet free for another 12 months, and in the spirit of friday slacking off public service, please accept this offering of "lost" words (actual words out of common usage) from

alabandical adj 1656 -1775
barbarous; stupefied from drink

amarulence n 1731 -1755
bitterness; spite

aretaloger n 1623 -1656
braggart; one who boasts about his own accomplishments

brabeum n 1675 -1675
reward or prize
brephophagist n 1731 -1875
one who eats babies
celeberrimous adj 1768 -1768
very or most highly celebrated

defedate v 1669 -1669
to defile; to pollute

drollic adj 1743 -1743
of or pertaining to puppet shows
gnathonize v 1619 -1727
to flatter
hemerine adj 1854 -1886
daily; quotidian

Electric Blogging Engine, IRBHN World HQ

There! a nice little quiver full of verbal arrows to fire into your daily conversations with the folks you meet during your day--the Draughtsman, the Chirurgeon, the Town Crier, the Chandler and the Fletcher.......we take no responsibility if you get beaten up.


Kurt said...

I must buy tickets to the puppet show ASAP.

Squirrel said...

Not so fast ! the Masons still use the word Brephophagist on a daily basis.

Megan said...

Please include pronunciation next time. Nothing makes one look more ridiculous than misprounouncing a word no one has ever heard of.

M said...

Hey, we have the word celebérrimo in Portuguese! Célebre means famous, celebérrimo means very famous.

Queen of France said...

i am going to try to use those words in the next week - but i agree with needing a pronouciation guide...i want to appear snobbish..very, very snobbish and one MUST be able to say those impossible words correctly.

Now, i'd love to spend more time on this blog but i must go practice my snobbery, dahhlink.

Unknown said...

I'm sure Taarzaan would be celeberrimous if he weren't so alabandical. I suggest a brabeum to the commenter who uses the vocabulary words most creatively. Not to be an aretaloger, but so far I'm winning.

edward said...

just stopped by to gnathonize you, because you have the bestest blog on the whole planet!

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