Wednesday, October 19, 2005

A (mostly complete, I think) Curriculum Vitae

Ok, at Mariana's prompting..........And in order(mostly, I think--again)........
teacher's aide ,
cinema assistant manager ,
waiter ,
radio copywriter/producer (commercials--small station in south Texas) ,
dishwasher ,
kitchen manager/cook,
radio personality (dj--see above small station) ,
public service director (see above) ,
janitor (ditto) what can I say--the pay sucked at KOPY,
cook (again),
laboratory assistant (call me "beaker") ,
psychiatric nurse's aide ,
photographer/video producer ,
safe ride driver (drive drunk people home in their own vehicle) ,
caterer ,
psychiatric admissions clerk ,
psych tech ,
massage therapist .
(there have been numerous casual/part time/temporary positions, I forget many right now--the coolest was at a haunted house where I was paid to be scary)

My late brother was a jack-of-all-trades type, as was our father. The longest I've remained in any one position is 7 years. I have high hopes for my massage practice-- it's something that ought to stay fresh, particularly with the continuing education requirements. But I admit, I'm already thinking ahead--I want to open my own spa, in the Roman style--a recreation of a Roman bath house, with all the tile mosaics, etc. Also, a retreat/spa combo appeals to me--something like an old summercamp renovated to be a get away. Also, Dawn, Amber and I have discussed opening a Texas themed pub/restaurant somewhere (not Texas, obviously). Who knows what the future will bring? All I can say is, as long as I continue to learn new skills, I ought to stay relatively young(ish).
Here's hoping!
And still, I have the nagging feeling I've forgotton something...............


M said...

At the time I'm writing this the picture is not showing. I stand amazed! My hat off to you.

The idea of a retreat sounds very appealing to me. But then I've always been a romantic about those places. I always thought it would be cool to spend a vacation in a Buddhist monastery, or a hippie community or somewhere like that, not to live there permenantly but for a short period of time.

Kurt said...

You're an inspiration to everyone everywhere who has thought I'm bored - I should quit this job!

Karima said...

ny could use a texas-themed restaurant/spa. let me know when it opens

delta said...

That you got paid to be scary is incredibly cool :)

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