Sunday, October 16, 2005

Another 60's memory

I received my license in today's mail--I'm even happier than yesterday. Dawn and I went to Veggie Heaven for dinner and bubble tea, then I spent today in shiatsu training, and had my first client as a pedigreed MT afterward. "tis knackered I'm being!
Ok, time for another 60's flashback: the day I noticed I was breathing!
I was two. I was riding my beloved tricycle. As I careened around a corner, I startled myself, and took in a sudden, sharp inhalation. I'd never noticed myself breathing before that--it had been completely out of my consciousness. I was perturbed, because I couldn't stop doing it. I thought I was entirely too young to have any habits! I went and found Ma, and told her "watch this", and took a breath. I asked her "what's that called?" She replied "It's called "respiration" or "breathing"." I asked "How do I stop?" She replied that didn't, shouldn't, and wouldn't. I insisted that I had never done it before a few minutes ago, and found it annoying. She assured me that I had been doing it since birth. I had my doubts, but since I'd learned anew word/concept, I rode off to have a think about it.
And that,ladies and gents, is the story of how I noticed I was addicted to oxygen.


M said...

My favorite (or perhaps I should say weird and uncomfortable) experience in self awareness is looking at myself in the mirror and notice that I am noticing myself in the mirror noticing myself back... It's like in those games where you say the same word so many times you forget its meaning. It was like looking at myself for the first time.

Kurt said...

I sometimes catch a glimpse of myself in a shop window and immediately think Who's that loser!? and then realize It's me!

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