Friday, August 05, 2005

For Blog's Sake!!

Ok, no excuses.......ok, that was patently B.S., here's my excuse--no, excuses ( a list! No -brainer blogging!!)

For not posting in such a long damn time: school's a bitch right now-- we've been on the structural bodywork thing a few weeks now, and it's busting my bonce. No fear, I have a dodgy learning style that requires complete non-comprehension followed by an epiphany. The we get to learn shiatsu, so suspect while I'm absorbing the whole eastern concept of meridians, I'll either be blogless or bashing on about shiatsu. You've been warned.

For the broken glass pane on the coffee table: It was Rufus, the red sphere. In fact, he's been renamed "Vivian", after the character in "The Young Ones". I wasn't even in the room, yeah, that's it, I was.....writing a sunday sermon/helping an old lady out of a tree/baking cookies for the illiterate when I heard a loud crash, and ther was Vivian, bits of glass all around him, and two new slash marks on his surface. Yeah--it's not like I got clumsy/careless/overconfident or anything...........

For the immaculate state of my living space these days: I'm possessed. It's the only possible reason I would suddenly blossom into a good housekeeper. I fucking SCOURED THE STOVE TOP, for god's sake!! Who ARE you, and what have you done with Trey? And where's all the clutter? Next thing you know, I'll be exercising and eating healthy- somebody stop me! Becoming a massage therapist has moulded me into a mellow, health conscious hippy; being self employed has made me more organised and productive. wow.

Mariana's stellar talent continues to shine--her "Thank You, Sir" series is provocative and mysterious--(insert my usual reference to G's editing prowess)

Delta has survived a *shudder* hair-c-c-cut! cut! cut!cutting! blood! artery spurt-hitchcock--psycho-oh-what-a-giveaway! But be warned--graphic image of shorn hair--I keep waking up in a puddle of...well, let's say I've got a carpet to clean just in front of the monitor, and let it go. Oh, yes, other things have transpired post the*ahem*event........................


delta said...

Is that Stage 1) study procrastination I recognise? The out-of-character incessant tidying of surrounding habitat under the guise of "organising, because the clutter is distracting?".

Well, good luck with it, I really like the study style, epiphanies feel so good!

And now Vivian has "credibility scratches" - alright!

Trey said...

And he's not letting anyone miss the fact. It's having an effect on the other orbs-- Roy's calling himself "the people's poet", forrest is obsessed with get the picture.

M said...

Really funny post, Trey! :D
Oh those little old ladies...

Trey said...

yep, the trees are full of 'em!

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