Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Blogito, Ergo Sum

I must admit, this medium has enriched my life. I've become a dilletante blog-o-phile, combing through listings seeking out the funny, insightful, challenging or just plain groovy pages people are creating. What an egalitarian form of tele-communication--free speech and self expression at your finger tips, have at it. Some canny individuals have sussed out a source of free advertising, others serve a glimpse into lives and worlds diverse and wonderful. I wish I read more than one language.
I came across Gatochy's blog first--good intro. It was during an image search, as her blog has art aplenty. She has a fluid way with words and a sharp intellect--it's like reading a really good magazine--lots to look at, something good to read, and the links on her page have given me hours of fun. She's a treasure, look in on her http://gatochy.blogspot.com/ and see what I'm on about.
Delta's blog Feckless in Finland is sort of the germinator of my own blogging efforts. I came across it while adding content to a Yahoo page. He, too has a way with words, witty gritty and funny as feck. I was enjoying one of his when I found the buttons up top, so you could say I caught blogging from Delta. Look in on him http://deltaavidelta.blogspot.com/ and remember, blogging is contagious.
Reading Alice X's blog Tales from a Delusional World is a bit like a visit from a younger sibling, reminding you of your own struggles with sentience and free will. Read the entry of nov 29th 2004 "Gareth"--a sensitive obit of a coworker--for evidence that modern life has yet to destroy the human soul. http://www.delusionalworld.blogspot.com/
Wouldn't it rock if the Dalai Lama kept a blog?


delta said...

I was about to rhapsodise about you! It's like that silly picture with two cows: one has a speech bubble saying "Moo". The other has a speech bubble saying "You bastard, I was going to say that". I'm too tired to express myself properly, but it somehow feels very gratifying to have caused you to click on The Button. I'll get back to a report I'm writing, but I'm looking forward to exploring the other blogs here. There's an effortlessly eloquent writer squatting in one of the vacant studio apartments in your head - the one with the small window, and rising damp (writers work best if they're just a tad miserable).

M said...

What a honey tongue...thanks for the plug. And I loved reading Delta's blog, it's so great I found you both, thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

Well, that could be true.

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