Monday, May 09, 2011

Zombelina,-or- Thumbelina ate my brain

So, having embraced my inner Bond villain, I spend my time directing community theater instead of blogging. Much more evil, and you get to experience the audience's response in real time, instead of in your imagination. One of our mottoes :"Fuck the power of the imagination". And by that we mean: "modern sproglets have disgusting imaginations, so lets leave as little to it as possible". Subsequently, one is faced with a mountain of tech to build. Costumes to sew, puppets to make, and all kinds of props to build. Having talented evil assistants makes it all so much more fun! More on my unholy proteges later............................... pictured are the beautiful and talented Melissa as Thumbelina, and the talented and beautiful Alan as the Fairy King.
At the show's opening performance last Saturday, a small boy was presented to Melissa by his mum, requesting a hug from "dreamy Thumbelina". I swear I saw his psyche imprint her as his feminine ideal.
My evil plans are subtle, and take a while to develop. I think I may need a cryogenic chamber if I plan to enjoy the fruits of my evil labors.
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