Sunday, February 04, 2007

Vivid Dream

I had a very vivid dream just before waking--- I was reading a magazine. It was a smallish digest sized publication. I recall that it had a mostly white cover photo, and the magazine layout was based on altered books. There was a photo section that I really liked, and the article after that was titled Who In The World is Gatochy--it was a bio of Mariana, along with reprints from her blog.
Things to come? It could happen!


M said...

That's the most flattering dream (to me) anyone's ever had! Now why didn't I dream of that? :D

Sebastien Millon said...

Cool dream! Mariana is slowly taking over the collective consciousness and is going to take over the world.

Kurt said...

Books symbolize knowledge and wisdom. Opening or closing a book may symbolize opening or closing a stage in one's life. Just sayin.

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