Saturday, May 13, 2006 was like a meditation on impermanence........

What a day. Quite the assortment of experiences. The day began interestingly enough, with a surprise visit from an estranged friend that was actually quite pleasant and reassuring. And the comments on the last post were great--thanks, ya'll, for the stimulating feedback.
Then, I went to the hookah lounge for the chair gig.

Tonight the patio area--where I set up-- was full by 10:20. The bad news--they were all American. Don't get your red, white and blue knickers in a twist--I'll explain myself.
American kids didn't grow up in a culture that recognizes and appreciates "natural healing" techniques. The kids from Asia, South America, India, Iran, etc--they see something different when they look at me. They ask about my training, and express admiration for my level of education and training. To the American kids, I'm that creepy older guy. Americans still tend to associate massage with sexuality.
I set up a bit early, and had a nice chat with a young gent smoking hookah with his brother. As the place filled up, I went from being an object of brief curiosity, to being invisible. I said "screw it" around midnight, and split to get some food, making a note to self to promote my practice heavily to the international community here.
Ok, so the really grotesque irony? I was reading the Dalai Lama while I waited. Even as I recognized the merit of what I read, I found myself getting more self conscious, and less compassionate. Disgusting on a certain level, but then I remember I need to practice loving kindness.............I am not in any danger of enlightenment any time soon.


M said...

I thought anything new-agy was popular. Is there a poster explaining what you do, and the philosophy behind it? Perhaps a poster and/or free leaflets would help dispel any misconceptions about your work, and get people curious to try it.

Kurt said...

So you don't do those Thai soap massages?

Trey said...

I think the biggest problem, besides cultural bias, is the age of the patrons. Young people generally don't have much pain to relieve, money to spend, etc. . I really think this was the wrong tree to be barking up.
And Thai soap never needs massage. It's the most relax cleanser on earth.

Trey said...

"relaxed". (sometimes I blog in SBE)

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