Friday, November 10, 2006

commercials make me want to write haikus

In response to a couple of annoying adverts (body spray and a phone company)

Click counter each time
Someone looks at you with lust
Masturbate later

Deny it all day
But it is quite apparent
Indeed it's a phone

There! I feel better. Thanks, and sorry.


M said...

:D :D Does it also happen in the States for certain commercials to be on prime time TV in a seemingly endless loop for what feels like months in a row? Only to be replaced by new ones, giving viewers a brief sense of relief that is soon over when they realize that these new ads will also be shown in an endless loop every night for months on end? Thus ensuring that consumers will never EVER buy the products advertised in so obnoxious a fashion? Because that's my latest complaint.

Anonymous said...

I TIVO now, so I don't really see the ads anymore. My haiku production has gone way down as a result.

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