Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Birthday report

Thanks to everyone for the kind wishes. I had a lovely day, start to finish, and there will be a party at Amber's home this weekend. At my repeated request, we are planning to have a pinata--nothing says "Happy Birthday" better than a blindfolded person swinging a stick at a paper mache donkey or such. Instead of the traditional filling of candy and small toys, we intend to fill ours with birdseed. The birds will enjoy it the next day, and imagine the surprised expressions from those expecting candy. That was my third choice of fillings--my second was cooked macaroni and cheese--also unexpected, not to mention messy for the person who actually bursts the pinata. Neither of these, however, can hold a candle to my original idea-- that was to fill the pinata with tiny winged pianos, that would fly out, all playing a different melody. At first, it would be a horrid, discordant noise--but as they disperse, it would be rather pleasant--unless one got stuck in your house, playing that tune you hate so much, over and over, like a cricket chirping under the fridge, crossed with having a tune stuck in your head. But something like that takes a bit more than a week to pull off, so birdseed it is.


Kurt said...

I love those tiny pianos!

M said...

Either that, or those little music boxes that you make the little handle go round and round, and they play little snatches of songs.


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