Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm a Fucking SAINT, I Tell you........

..................and don't start with the "How can you be evil and a saint, too?" crap---look up St Augustine, for starters. Anyway, hagiography aside, I tell you I want to be canonized, or given a lollipop at the very least, because I haven't dropped a single f-bomb in front of anyone under the age of 19 during the process of directing this little puppet show.
To quote Kinky Freedman, "I would never say "fuck" in front of a C-H-I-L-D". But tonight, during our first tech rehearsal, when one of the mics made the whole system feedback, I came really fucking close. Thank fuck I'm not a fucking vulgarian.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

countdown....... community theater. Two weeks or so until we open, and the show promises to be........cute.

What do you want from me? Remember---EVIL.
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