Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Taarzaan: Too Content for Content? The IRBHN Interview

We here at IRBHN are horrified at the shameful lack of updates of late. We traced alleged blogger Taarzaan to his central Texas lair to put him to some direct questions.
Treading silently, we crept up behind Taarzaan, and shouted "BOO!".
We came to shortly after, an apologetic looking Taarzaan assuring us that the swelling would soon subside. We gathered our notes (and teeth) while Taarzaan put the kettle on. We couldn't help noticing--the lack of tension in his face, his relaxed manner, the playful preparation of the tea....was this the same person who knocked us unconsious just a few minutes ago? We put it to the question:
IRBHN: Dude! You totally hit me in the face!
Taarzaan: You startled me, pinhead!
IRBHN: ..and now, you're all chilled, and mellow and playing with the tea mugs. Psycho or something?
Taarzaan: Not even. As if! and bite me.
IRBHN: Oooh, Oscar Wilde, look out!
Taarzaan: I have an idea--startle me again. It'll be funny!
IRBHN: Ahem. So--you haven't been blogging so much for a while. Isn't that what bloggers do? Blog? Am I crazy, or what?
Taarzaan: Well, you are definately crazy, but that doesn't invalidate your point--entirely.
IRBHN: So, what's up, monkey man?
Taarzaan: erm.....all sorts of stuff. I was adjusting to the rigours of the new career for a while, and had to lay off the keyboard. I kinda got out of the habit of writing. Then, there's the whole "I keep my mouth shut unless I'm bitching about something" aspect.
IRBHN: Ah, yes--like Sensei Delta said:(writers work best if they're just a tad miserable).
Taarzaan: Bull's eye. I set out to change my life--I was over worked, over burdened, yatta yatta---and now it's pretty much all good. I'm kinda lazy and content just now.
IRBHN: Any plans for future posts?
Taarzaan: I don't think I've fully exploited the Mad Libs thing, and I always found the rebus to be a delightful platform for mirth. And I'm starting to feel all crafty again--I may just get around to that puppet theatre, and some puppets. That may lead to webcam video blogging. Who knows? Now, fuck off--I'm gonna get jazzed up on coffee and lift weights.


M said...

So you think you're no longer one of us, eh? Humpf. That's what they all say when they think they've found "happiness." You'll see, you'll come crawling back a few months from now, like they all do. And then maybe, just maybe we'll take you back into our midst. But we'll make you go through the whole initiation ritual again! And this time you'll have to jump through the ring of fire!

Kurt said...

better get back into the habit. I know a certain blog whose blogmaster is going on vacation in a few weeks.

mendacious said...

are they scary knife weilding puppets?

Trey said...

There's another kind?

delta said...

Roll on the vlogging puppets!

Kurt said...

Puppets are scary to me.

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