Sunday, August 13, 2006

Mixed Karma Weekend, or "Ouch, but Thanks....."

This has been an interesting weekend, to say the very least.
Friday afternoon, coming home from the nurserry with plants for the garden, my truck blew the radiator hose--right in rush hour traffic, in 100 degree heat, me wearing my cliche' black t-shirt. On the fortunate end, one of my co-workers and former classmates--my sweet dharma sister Lisa--was passing, and stopped to assist. All I really needed at that point--having made all the neccesary and appropriate calls already--was water--than you, Lisa! Shortly after that, the kindest, most laid back police officer showed up to provide assistance while I waited for the tow truck. The towing people were nice--they took me home to unload plants before dropping the truck off. The shop was anticipating my arrival (yay cell phone)--we are replacing the radiator--I should have it back monday about noon.
Then, last night, sitting out in the developing garden, I had a blood sugar event. I had consumed WAY more carbs than I'm used to, was fatigued, it was hot---I came over extremely dizzy, and did a face plant, right in the dirt. Quite lterally "hit the dirt". Fell like an ox. Right on my mug. Ouch, but could have been worse. The impact was mostly to my left zygomatic process--"cheekbone" to most folks. It didn't mess up my eye, didn't break my nose, no split lip or injured teeth--for a couple of traumatic events in such a short time, they were both much better than they might have been. Plus, my wonderful friend Rob was able to provide transportation to buy neccesary things like groceries and first aid supplies. Thanks, Rob!!


Kurt said...

Dude, that doesn't sound right. Did you go to the Western Medicine Hospital and see what those charlatans thought?

M said...

Poor Trey! What a dramatic reaction to a sugar high. Do you think it might be diabetes? I'm with Kurt, you should see a doctor. Take care, hugs!

Trey said...

Thanks, ya'll! A trip to the doctor is on my list of things to do when I can afford it--no insurance. On the plus side of things, this sort of thing has happened before when I was younger (rather often). For the next week (while I await funds for medical attention) I'll be monitoring my diet, getting more rest, and turning to nurse Amber for further instructions.

mendacious said...

who needs doctors when you have the help of friends. i passed out from a hypoglycemic episode- and as i hurtled toward the floor... my chin hit the ground and when i awoke... the big 6'0 football player said, i didn't know what you were doing... i thought no matter what i was "doing" clearly i shouldn't have been and you could've caught me- i'm glad you had mud to soften the blow. you seem cheery. this also makes me cheery.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have freckles. They can hide a lot of the bruising.

(from Been there done that ...)

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