Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Touching and "the Touched"

(two images from Google: one from "insanity", the other from "massage"--which do you like best?)

It’s been nearly a year now since I made my final exit from the state psychiatric facility (I worked there, smart ass). I’ve been a self employed type person (translation:BROKE) in the field of massage and advanced bodywork, and I can’t help but notice the differences (and similarities) between the two milieus:

Psychiatric Hospital: frequent screaming, echo-y walls, loud television
Massage room: mellow music, peaceful surroundings, frequent sighs, occasional moans.
My choice: massage room

Psychiatric Hospital: clients frequently become violent
Massage room: clients frequently fall asleep
My choice: massage room

Psychiatric Hospital: clients occasionally brought in by law enforcement in states of undress, or disrobe before becoming aggressive (see above)
Massage room: clients disrobe behind screen, and are draped for modesty during treatment. Some choose to remain partially clad.
My choice: massage room

I still wash my hands as frequently as I did at the hospital, only now I provide the soap and lotion, so the quality has improved, because I don’t have to take the lowest of three bids from vendors. Also, my contact with law enforcement, social workers, and the media has sharply declined.

The winner is: massage, hands down and oh-so-soft from all the lotion.


M said...

I'm so happy for you. I often wonder how people who have to deal with the darkest side of human nature for a living (people like you working at insane asylums, social workers, doctors, etc) how they manage to cope with all that stress.

mendacious said...

so... you worked there right?

and mariana: they must believe in euthanasia or am I being unkind? tarzaan?

Trey said...

yes, I worked there, silly!
As far as the coping question--most of the people I worked with didn't cope very well. Some became insensitive to everything, some used a form of disassociation that can't possibly be healthy, and many others turned to substance use/abuse.

Kurt said...

My shoulder is better, but now I have a pain in my knee cap. What should I do?

Also, do you have an official position on Ibuprofen gel (5%), available in such overseas countries as England?

delta said...

It's sad that most people didn't cope, but I guess the alternative to turning yourself into some kind of human callous is to find yourself constantly depressed by the plight of the inmates.

It's a pity that often the people who have the most to give, and the people who have the most need rarely meet.

Karima said...

But you can probably get free juice boxes and those pretty white one-sleeved coats for free at the facility.

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