Sunday, April 02, 2006

So Tired.....

(Dawn after two performances. Fatigue makes her look all water-color-y)
Damn Daylight Savings--talk about your un-natural acts--"we'll just screw with time". Ugh....
There must be some biblical stricture against it, along with penning sheep and goats together, and ass-banditry........
I finally saw Dawn in An Ideal Husband--good production--simple, effective sets, great costumes, and Dawn was in good company for the most part. I'm used to her being the best (sometimes only) actor in a production--this time her performance as Mrs. Cheveley was well balanced by Michele Naleieha, the actress playing Lady Chiltern.
In attendance was anonymous, of commenting fact, he was a bit too anonymous, as I didn't recognise him until after the show. He looked like a sunday school teacher, that chameleonic thespian critter.....ought to be a law.........
Also in attendance was the brave and charming Eric, of Dawn dating fame. The photo of them together has mysteriously vanished--I think he has powers.

Let's Have a Contest!

How about if we all get together to decorate easter eggs while we conduct a blogging competiton? we can call it
Blog Off and Dye

See? See? I told you this screwing with time stuff is bad!


Kurt said...

Where's her corner?

Trey said...

The naughty corner turner out to be inadequate for Dawn--she now uses the naughty column.

M said...

My husband liked the magazine cover you made starring Gatochy so much that he showed it on his blog:

He's crazy about that cat. She's the other woman in my marriage. ;)

Trey said...

Yay! I'm glad he likes it!
I had google auto translate his blog--they really need to tweak that program, I tell you......

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