Saturday, June 18, 2005

Another TV Idea

Ok, here's the pitch;

A group of young women aspiring to be models--no, SUPER models-- enter a contest and are chosen to compete in the final "model off" at a professional shoot--held at a Mayan pyramid, on the full moon, next to a nuclear power plant, behind a toxic waste dump, during the harmonic convergence, amid a bad electric storm--you get the idea. This of course leads to the girls being bombarded with ALL the mutation endowing elements ever used in comics/bad television, resulting in super powers. Yes, now they are SUPERMODELS!! Endowed with super stregnth, flight, etc--each of the characters has her own unique set of skills--it's like powerpuffs meet she spies crossed with sailor moon
It's called Awesome SuperModels
I have a couple of episodes roughed out.....
may I have my royalty check now, please?


M said...

I can just see it... using their super powers to fight against evil as they travel across the globe doing photo shoots and catwalks. I'd take this idea to a TV network, if I were you. It actually has a chance to appeal to the public. And one thing's for sure: at least this time they would have an excuse to use actual models. It's not like in "Desperate Housewives" or every other TV show, were you'd think every woman looks like that, right...

Trey said...

I kinda see it as a cartoon--if not actually animated, then handled in a goofy 60's-esque style. Glad you like it!:D

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