Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Zowie! Long time, right? It isn't as though I had the best, most valid reasons for my absenteeism-- full time work, garden to tend to, zombie apocalypse...........[sings]there are zombies at the bottom of my garden.......... mind you, they make excellent fertilizer once properly mulched--unfortunately ( or perhaps, luckily) they produce zombie vegetables!

Unfortunate for the unsuspecting diner just trying to tuck into a big plate of broccoli with cheese sauce, then--boom! Brains eaten by broccoli; Lucky for the misanthropic host hoping to draw yet another tedious evening of entertaining to a swift conclusion--it is all a matter of perspective, really.

So, in the following days, be sure to rest up, get plenty of exercise (running from zombies is the healthiest thing imaginable, given the alternative), and eat your vegetables--



Kurt said...

Is that your artwork?

Trey said...

No, just yet another thing I scavenged off the interwebs.

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