Friday, June 20, 2008

Royals Roll Out Red Carpet for Mariana's Birthday

(Lisboa,Portugal) In a last ditch effort to be useful, heads of the ruling families of Europe assembled to celebrate Mariana's birthday, and to crown her Queen of Blogging.
"What a bloody bother", said Mariana, "I mean, they mean well and all, and it is nice getting presents, but these guys have been following me all day--the red carpet has to be laid out before I walk anywhere, or else they get really upset. Also, the lady with the cake doesn't seem to have much of a grip on anything other than that cake--and she won't allow anyone to slice it--not that these guys should be trusted with anything sharp--all the inbreeding has taken it's toll."
The well meaning but silly royals presented Mariana with a "Blogging Crown"--at first glance what appears to be a conical red party hat, but upon further inspection proved to be the remnants of a witch's hat, possibly confiscated during the 1600s. "This hat thingy just doesn't match any of my shoes, plus the damned thing keeps whispering to me--I was working on an Image Association post, or trying to, at least--and now I don't have the post, but I learned a spell that turns horses into rabbits--really really big rabbits. Just what the world needs, right?"

Happy Birthday, Mariana!

1 comment:

M said...

And did you notice there are no servants (pretty boys preferably) strewing the ground with rose petals as I pass? What are my feet supposed to walk on, just, like, anywhere? The queen wouldn't like it.

Thanks for the congratulating, buddy. :) (And for the code message) Lova ya!

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